Ease Up to Grow More
Happy 2023! As I’m returning from a break to visit extended family, I’m going to let my good friend, Franklin Taggart, lead us into the new year. Franklin and I had many wonderful conversations last year as he helped me work my way through health and personal issues, and the odd and empowering experience that was my yearlong sabbatical. One thing I definitely discovered was the power of letting go, easing up, and taking the pressure off. I stopped worrying the ideas and ambition that had driven my career for 30 years would never return, and decided to be okay if they didn’t.
Lo and behold, they have, and I’m filled with excitement about 2023. But I’m also much more appreciative of the person I am whether I’m producing or not.
Here, I’ll let Franklin explain it on his podcast Your Own Best Company. He does it so well. Read or listen to this very short edition called “Maybe Less Pressure Will Help.”
To find more inspiring posts like this one, please visit the blog — “Bursts of Brilliance for a Creative Life.”