A couple of years ago, I was listening to a talk or podcast in which the speaker said something about not feeling the need to convince anyone of anything. The concept got me thinking and led to my new motto, “It’s not my job to convince you.”
To me, this means there are people who will resonate with our ideas, beliefs, knowledge, or opinions and those who will not. For example, I can tell you I have a friend whose intuitive gifts I trust implicitly, and you may respond by saying, “Oh cool, I’d love to do a session with her,” or you may respond, “I don’t believe in that psychic stuff.”
There’s energy behind each of those statements. In the former, I feel the energy of a kindred spirit, someone who “gets” what I believe right away and that’s always exciting, fun, and affirming. That’s easy. In the latter, I might feel levels of energy. If the person states emphatically, “I don’t believe in that psychic stuff,” and a wall goes up between us, I know I’m not getting over that wall. At least not now.
If, however, the person says it with some doubt or hesitation, I know the door has not closed in my face. It’s been left open just a crack so I can say, “Oh really, why not?” As the conversation progresses, that person might start to waver in their statement and eventually come around a bit to my way of believing. Or he/she might close the door the…