I’ve been taking a course sponsored by Mike Dooley (the guy who writes the daily Notes from the Universe). He shared some guidance he received while practicing channeling: “It’s more important to love life than to have fun.” He explained when you love life, fun is automatic. But if you decide to have fun, that’s serious intent. It becomes a task to check off, it becomes arduous.
Those words really struck me. I understand that part of loving life is living in the moment, but that’s still something I struggle with, especially when it comes to pleasure. I’ve spent most of my life putting merriment on my calendar. I still feel a sense of “failure” if my weekend evenings are not filled with exciting things to do. I was always the “planner” among my group of friends. The person they’d call and ask, “What are we doing tonight?” The pressure was on to make sure we all had a good time. In all honesty, an equal number of those structured outings turned out to be duds as roaring successes.
I acknowledge that everyday life can be fun, like when you run into an old friend at the bank, or when your one-year old discovers the kazoo, or when a coworker spontaneously brings donuts to work and everyone rushes like children to the breakroom.
I know from experience it’s possible to have fun even in the worst moments. That’s why we laugh during funerals or…